Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I have a phone...and a HOME!!!

Hey all! I finalllllly got a cell phone. I believe you can call me at +255 787-597-504. Let me know if that doesn't work! Also, let me know if you need help finding international phone cards....I hear you can get ones for like 10 bucks for an hour or even better!

Anyway....on to the more exciting news. I got my site assignment today!!! HOORAY!!!! I am going to the beautiful Iringa Region. My village is called Kipagalo. I'm near Makete town and near Matema Beach and Kitulo National Park! I am going to be a bit isolated in the mountains and I will be the first volunteer in this area! I am soooo excited. The only drawback is that the opening sentence of my site description says, "Kipagalo is one of the few places in Tanzania that gets COLD." hahahahaha! Just my luck. I try and escape the cold and end up in the coldest part of Tanzania. Oh well! I saw a snapshot of my house. It looks nice and it even has a chimney! Yup, cold! Hahahaha. I have to run....we're having dinner at the acting Country Director's house, but I'll write more soon. Much love!


Anonymous said...

I hope you are enjoying your new place. I can sympathize with the being cold even in warm places thing... My school's AC system has been broken throughout the past few days and it has been FREEZING. So I am living in NC and have to dress in jeans and long sleves to go to work in Aug.

Jim M said...

Hi Folks - Jess's Dad Here

Jess has asked to me to pass along the following information.

1) She is doing great, she just doesn't have much internet access right now

2) She hasn't had much luck with cell phones recently, the number she had posted has been supplanted by the following number (011) 255-787-348-491

3) She has a 4 bedroom house, which started out unfurnished but has no running water or electricity,

4) The part of the country she is in, the Southern Highlands, is beautiful but gets a little cold at night.

5) She loves the Tanzanian people but still misses all of you!

Love you and miss you Jess!!!
